14 research outputs found

    Pengujian Kinerja Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya

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    In order to investigate the behavior of the solar home systems, 10 data loggers have been installed in three different villages in Kolaka district in Southeast Sulawesi in March 2001. The solar home systems installed in Kolaka consists of a 50 Wp Solarex MSX 50 modules, 70 Ah battery, 10A/12volt battery charge regulator (BCR) and three 6W fluorescent lights. This paper will present and elaborate the performance of solar home systems, which includes Vbattery, VLoad, ILoad, Imodule and comparison between theoretical calculation and field measurement. Results of monitoring nine solar home systems in Kolaka district in Indonesia are presented. Data logger information shows typical load patterns, and differences between users. The information allows for break-down of a number of different energy loss categories. Some of these losses can be reduced by the user

    Penelitian Penerapan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Lingkungan

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    Indonesia through government programmes and private sector activities. An assessment on performance of photovoltaic systems and study of their impacts was established in Kolaka, South-east Sulawesi. At the moment there are 2270 solar home systems (SHS) in this location. During the research and study, there are 9 data loggers have been installed in nine solar home systems in 4 villages of Kolaka. These data loggers were used to monitor and measure some parameters such as solar insolation , VBattery,VLoad, ILoad, IModule, and room temperature. Besides performance data collection above, a quantitative research method was done to explore the quality of life of rural and remotepeoples. 175 questionnaires were used to collect the data from households in 4 villages Polinggona, Popalia, Petudua dan Pewisoa Jaya. This paper will discuss resuts of the measurement of solar home systems, the impact on daily life of villagers and global and local environmental impact of the use of solar home systems

    KRL Lightning Protection System Network of Catenary Electricity Units Top Flow at The UPT Resort Region of Pasar Senen, Jakarta

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    The modes of transportation are currently very diverse with the development of an area and mass transportation is an absolute solution to the problem of congestion in urban areas. In metropolitan Jakarta, the Electric Rail Train (KRL) moves through several stages, starting from the supply of a 20 kV AC PLN distribution substation adjacent to the KAI traction substation and then being lowered through the KAI traction substation stepdown transformer to 1200 V AC. The AC power is then converted to DC using a silicon rectifier, and finally generates a voltage of 1500 V DC which supplies the KRL from the traction substation via Overflow Electricity (LAA) with a catenary network transmission that runs across the top along the KRL route. LAA technical problems, called equipment malfunctions, causes train travel disruptions resulting in crossing and overcoming transfers, trip cancellations or delays of 10 minutes or more. This is due to damage to the catenary network, so certain sections of the road cannot be finally passed by KRL. The catenary network must then be safeguarded with protective facilities to secure other catenary network equipment from damage due to lightning strikes and induction. This study maximizes the protection system on the catenary network in the area of the Technical Service Unit (UPT) Resort LAA 1.7 Pasar Senen PT KAI (Persero) Operation Area 1 Jakarta and is expected to be a reference for railway infrastructure employees of the LAA unit. There are, 3 methods used, namely the method of observation, interviews, and literature study. The results showed that the optimum OHGW (overhead ground wire) angle of protection for the concrete/pole type was 67.45˚, while the iron pole was 65.95˚ and both met the requirements for the protection angle of 65˚-68˚. However, the distance for grounding the catenary network poles on existing poles that are installed every 5 poles and is 250 m apart needs to be renovated to avoid induced voltage disturbances and high lightning strikes and hence endangering humans and surrounding equipment. Finally, to avoid cases of theft of the copper grounding rod and its down conductor, it is necessary to install a new grounding rod made of iron. Keywords: Traction substation, catenary network, lightning protection system


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    PENGARUH WAKTUPENUAAN TERHADAP SIFAT FISIKPADA SINTESA BAHANPADUAN INGAT BENTUK CuNiAI. Te/ah di/akukDn pembuatan paduan CuNiA/ menggunakan teknik meta/urgi serbuk. Ketiga serbr;k Cu, Ni, don AI, dicampur dengan perbandingan komposisi persen volum (83,3:3,8:/2,9, 83./:3,9:/3,0. 82,9:4,0:/3,1, 82,7:4,1:13,2), dihomogenkan_menggunakan ball mill, don dikompaksi dingin 5,0 tonlcm2. Pemanasan pada temperatur 650 DC selama 45 menit, diberi perlakuan panas (solid solution) pada 1000 DC. 45 menit, selanjutnya di-quenching dolam media air, serlo di- aging 200 DC selama 2, 6. 10, 14, don 24 jam, tujuan untuk mendapatkDn paduan CuNiAI sebagai basis paduan ingat bentuk. Paduan CuNiAl yang dihasilkan dikarakterisasi terhadap strukturmikro, uji kekerasan. dan densitas. Hasil pengujian strukturmikro menunjukkan bahwa fasa martensit yang berbentuk pe/at-pe/at lamelar yang cenderung mengkasar dengan pertambahan waktu penuaan. HastJ IIjt densttas mentlnjtikkan bahwa densitas akan meningkat dengan bertambahnya waktll penuaan, ntJai densitas : 7,43 -8.1 Ig/cmJ. HastJ uji kekerasan menu'U.ukkan bahwa kekerasan meningkDt dengan bertambahnya waktu penuaan, yaitu 132.5 -/47,3 Hv

    The Effect of Palm Biodiesel Fuel on the Performance and Emission of the Automotive Diesel Engine

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    This study is devoted to the performance and emission evaluation of automotive diesel engine as affected by palm biodiesel fuel utilization. The concentration of palm biodiesel used in the test was ranged from B0 (pure petro-diesel), B10, B20, B30, B50 and B100 (pure biodiesel).The engine performance was evaluated through torque, power, and specific fuel consumption, while the emission was evaluated through carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), particulate matter (PM), carbon dioxide (CO2), and NOx pollutants. The result shows that higher content of palm biodiesel can reduce the emission of CO, HC, PM, and CO2. It was found that the addition of biodiesel could increase the power and torque. Further more, NOx also decreased when the content of palm biodiesel increases, which is in contrast with those generally found in the previous non palm biodiesel studies


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    Telah diketahui bahwa paduan Cu2Se.31n2Sed, ari sistem pseudobinari Cu2Se-lnSe3k elihatannya pegangr eran utama pada mekanisme photovoltaik sel-surya ZnO/CdS/CuInSe2/Mo. Akan tetapi belum banyak infonnasi yang didapat tentang sifat paduan ini. Untuk alasan inilah kami telah memulai mempelajari secara sitematik paduan Cu2Se.31n2Se3te rsebutdalam bentuk kristal batangan dan lapisan film tipis yang masingmasing dibuat dengan metoda Bridgman horisontal daD deposisi daTi evaporasi-cepat. Pada makalah ini disajikan hasil karakterisasi difraktografi sinar-x dari paduan yang dibuat dengan metoda pemanasan bertahap berdasarkan energi bebas Gibbs untuk pembuatan paduano Sifat optik paduan diambil dari hasil photoluminesen pada suhu 4.2 oK dan 77 oK, daD transmisi daD refleksi pada 300 oK untuk lapisan tipis. Komposisi paduan ditentukan dengan mikroanalisa probe elektron

    The Effectiveness of the Headway for The Jakarta MRT during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Population growth and mobility continues to increase, encouraging the DKI Jakarta provincial government to develop a public transportation called Jakarta Train Integrated Raya Mode (MRT).  Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 resulted in the decline of the economy throughout the world, including Indonesia. The policies made by the government in limiting community mobilization have an impact on decreasing cash flow in the transportation service sector, such as, MRT Jakarta. PT. MRT Jakarta (The MRT Management) then implemented changes to the train headway that was adjusted to the current pandemic conditions by considering policies from the government and income during the pandemic. This paper discusses the use of electric power in the MRT headway from a technical and economical perspective in order to find the ideal advice in operating trains during the pandemic. This is an empirical research using prescriptive primary materials through interviews and valid data obtained from the research institution and an assessment of literature studies that are relevant to the problems that have been studied. The results showed the amount of electrical power used by the MRT trains from Lebak Bulus Station (LBS) to Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (BHI) station using 6 trains in one series, namely, 400.564 kWh with an average consumption of electrical energy before the pandemic reached 3,163,654 kWh per month. During the pandemic, the use of MRT energy reached 1,913,037 kWh per month. The results showed that the electric power when using 4 trains in a series is 178.568 kWh. The implementation of the train headway before the pandemic indicated an effective value since this was accompanied by high ticket sales. However, during the pandemic, the electricity consumption of the MRT train has not reached an effective value and the income from ticket sales has not been able to meet the cost of electricity bills. To maintain the effectiveness, changes in the minimum account value be readjusted by the MRT Management and PLN by adjusting the policies set by the government during the pandemic. The MRT train headway pattern was then realigned with service users and policies set by the government so the electrical energy costs could be effective. Finally, the use of 4 trains in a series of the MRT trains when traffic is low may reduce power consumption of 221.996 kWh. However, the use of 4 trains means may cause there are no replacement trains during the MRT operations. Keywords: Effectiveness, MRT Jakarta, train electric power, Covid-1


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    ABSTRACT Biodiesel is a fuel derived from vegetable oil or animal fats that can be used as an additive to or entirely replace conventional petroleum diesel fuel. In most cases, biodiesel is mixed with conventional diesel because of the higher cost of biodiesel, product availability and engine compatibility issues. In Indonesia, the decree No. 3675K/24/DJM/2006 regarding the quality and specification of diesel oil type Solsr 48 and Solar 51 has been issued this decree regulates the use of FAME (fatty acid methyl ester) up to the maximum of 10 percent of the volume of automotive diesel fuel with which it is to be blended. The cost to measure the properlles of fuel is expensive and time consuming, therefore it is important to develop a simple method to predict those blending properties. This paper presents the development of a simple calculation method for the validation of blend palm biodiesel-mineral diesel specification (density, viscosity, cetane number and lubricity) which has been measured in the author's previous study The result shows that the lubricity and viscosity shows a higher average error value (difference value between calculation and measurement result) of 1.66% and 1.35%, whereas density and cetane number shows lower average error values of 0.06 and 0.6%. The average error value less than 2% is still acceptable. Keywords: Biodiesel, blend, fuel properties, density. cetane, viscosity, lubricity Diterima; 20 Agustus 2007; Disetujui: 31 Agustus 200